Letters & Reports

Letter: Medicare card delays for newcomers
March 16, 2022 Hon. Mary WilsonMinister of Service New Brunswick Chancery PlaceP.O. Box 6000Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5H1 Via email: Mary.Wilson@gnb.ca Dear

Joint Letter: Protecting the New Brunswick economy
Hon. Blaine Higgs, Premier Province of New Brunswick Chancery Place, P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Via email: blaine.higgs@gnb.ca

CEO Commentary: The Return to Normal for Business
This weekend signals a literal change of seasons. Tonight, we will turn our clocks ahead one hour to Daylight Saving

Federal budget submission
COVID-19 has made economic forecasting an increasingly dicey and difficult endeavour. Most forecasts, however, suggest 2022 will see a continuation

Joint Letter: Economic Reopening and Recovery in New Brunswick – GNB Response
Hon. Blaine Higgs Premier, Province of New Brunswick Chancery Place, P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1Via email: blaine.higgs@gnb.caDear Premier

Joint Open Letter: Fredericton protests – CEOs of Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John Chambers
New Brunswick businesses have suffered under the strain of constant disruptions over the last two years. The challenges they have