Our Community

Greater Moncton is one of Canada’s fastest growing communities. People from all over the world have made Greater Moncton their home and this is makes the community as vibrant as ever!

Greater Moncton delivers a work/life balance by providing an environment where citizens and businesses can prosper in a culturally rich and family-friendly setting while still offering all the amenities of a large metropolis.

But what really makes Greater Moncton the place to be?

Greater Moncton By the Numbers

71% of residents agree that the downtown core is a vibrant place, with 67% agreeing it has significantly improved since last year.

90% of residents believe that Greater Moncton is either a good or excellent place to raise a family.

Over half the population either support or strongly support increasing immigration.

3+ Economic Dashboard

3+ Corporation is a southeastern New Brunswick Economic Development Agency, dedicated to promoting our cities’ economic development initiatives and tools to the business community.

Below is an excerpt of 3+ Corporation’s Greater Moncton Dashboard. We encourage you to visit their website for more information. 


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Regional Collaboration

Greater Moncton

Immigration Services

The City of Moncton has received funding from the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to create the Greater Moncton Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) Council.

For more information about immigration services, please contact the City of Moncton’s Department of Immigration Services by contacting immigration@moncton.ca or calling (506) 389-5937.


Labour Market Partnership

Established in April 2020, the Southeast Labour Market Partnership (SLMP) was created to provide oversight, direction, and accountability, for the implementation of the 2019 – 2024 Workforce Strategy for Greater Moncton and Southeast New Brunswick.

The Strategy’s foundation is supported by four core pillars: To Connect, to be Inclusive, to be Informative, and to be Collaborative.

Greater Moncton

Local Immigration Partnership

The Greater Moncton Local Immigration Partnership consists of a council of immigration stakeholders, immigrants, business community and municipal government partners. The LIP will help implement the Greater Moncton Immigration Strategy and will provide a better framework to understand the needs of newcomers, the gaps in service delivery and the process by which collaboration can lead to much better outcomes for newcomers.


Economic Recovery Task Force

The Southeast Economic Recovery Task Force (SERTF) was launched to develop an Action Plan to mitigate the potential economic impact to businesses from the COVID- 19 Pandemic. The task force is the focal point for information sharing between regional economic development stakeholders.